Ai-Museums Intelligenza Artificiale e Musei Scorri

Artificial Intelligence and Museums

Although we do not fully realize it, Artificial Intelligence has become an integral part of our daily lives and its beneficial applications can also involve the cultural sector. Museums may exploit the increasing availability of big data and AI methods to offer a personalized and innovative experience to their visitors, as well as to improve various aspects of museum management, such as adequate pricing schemes to attract more visitors.

Ai-Museums Project

The project is among the winners in the “Art and Culture” of the “Artificial Intelligence, Man and Society” competition promoted by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

The metropolitan city of Turin hosts some of the most important museums in Italy and it has witnessed a substantial increase in tourist flows over the last 10 years. However, in spite of important investments made to make museums more attractive (among others, Venaria Reale opened in 2007, the MAO in 2008,while Egyptian Museum has been renovated several times) visits to museums have increased much less. On top of this, the recent Covid-19 crisis hit the sector very hard.
Moreover, even though Turin and the whole Piedmont region have rich sources of historical data on museum visitors (Associazione Abbonamento Musei and Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte), museums make little or no use of this information to improve their business.

The research project I-Muse (Artificial Intelligence for Museums) aims to introduce a data-driven approach to help museums organize and improve their business in the city of Turin.


museums as local partner


total museum visitors per year for the partners of the project (64% of all visitors in Turin).
Senza titolo-1

Our main goals

Make museums’ management more efficient and profitable

We are using machine learning algorithms to predict visitor flows on a daily and possibly hourly basis. This tool will improve the museums’ operational and strategic planning, and it will be available to the management through the software “V-PREDICT”.
The use of beacon sensors will allow to measure even the duration of visits and track visitors’ itineraries within the city.
The project also analyses the factors affecting demand for museum services, whose ultimate goal isto optimize pricing and marketing strategies.
Finally, the app I-Muse will allow visitors to buy the museum cardand will generate dynamic QR codes, thus reducing fraudulent behaviors (passbacks) and waiting times at the museums’ entrances.

Make visitors’ experience more exciting

QR codes will be installed around artworks to create connections among different artworks across museums. Artificial Intelligence will create such connections based on various textual and visual information.
Moreover, starting from different keywords (e.g. “climate change”) AI will build a virtual meta-museum which will relate objects belonging to collections from different physical museums, thus giving rise to virtual museums (e.g. the virtual “Museum of climate change”).
Finally, the gaming app LineTime will contain new ad hoc categories related to the museum contents.

Academic research

The various data collected through the project will be used to write articles which will be published on academic journals.

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